Therapist/author/Hall of Fame speaker, Connie Podesta, in a recent interview for The Smarter Sales Show podcast said, “so many people fight to keep their limitations” and it made me wonder how much that impacts sales professionals.

Consider the roller coaster ride that is so prevalent among sales professionals on a commission based compensation plan. You know the drill… you have a good month and then a not so good month and then a good month followed by a not so good month. You justify it because when you sell a lot that increase your workload to service clients so there’s less time for prospecting, but then the dip in sales gets your attention so you amp it up and low and behold sales go up again. 


That dance continues month after month after month.


You tell yourself, that’s just the way it is in sales. It’s as if you get great results and your brain says “I’m good!” and then it reminds you “but I’m not THAT good” so you self-correct to where you are comfortable, or maybe a bit below that. Of course your brain chimes in again, “wait, I’m not that bad either” so you self correct and sales go back up. 


I’ve coached dozens, if not hundreds, of sales professionals over the course of more than two decades and the stories are different, but the pattern quite similar. In almost every case, before they are open to a new possibility where they don’t ride that roller coaster of results any longer, they first fight for their limitations.


Have you ever had a fleeting thought like one of these…

  • I’m worth $xxx,xxx, but that’s all the market will bear.
  • I can’t ask for more than $xx,xxx
  • I’m good with in person sales, but virtual is not my thing.
  • CEOs and business owners intimidate me, but I can talk to managers just fine.
  • I’m not good with technology.


Ask yourself if these are forever truths or just some story you created at some point that may no longer be true. 


Two years ago I would have told you I’m not really tech savvy. I bought into the narrative I created for myself and whenever presented with a bit of tech that could make my life easier, I brushed it off and further cemented the lie I told myself that I’m not tech savvy.


Then something crazy happened.


I invested a little time and focus into learning a piece of tech. Humm… maybe I am okay with technology after all.


Then something really crazy happened.


A colleague of mine asked for my help with that same bit of tech. When I solved their problem quickly and easily, I thought… humm… maybe I’m pretty darn savvy with tech.


Then something wildly crazy happened.


A new bit of technology was recommended to me. I heard my inner voice fighting for my limiting belief, but I ignored it. I sat down, focused some effort on the new tech and figured it out without breaking a sweat or pulling out any precious hairs on my head. 


Guess what? I still have that automatic and well-conditioned inner voice reminding me that I am not tech savvy, but I’m no longer willing to fight to keep that limitation. I have built up evidence that there is no validity to that belief anymore. I may have not been tech savvy in the past, but today, I know I can learn it with some time and focus. 


What limitations do you continue to fight for?

Is it worth it?

What would happen if you fight for your limitless possibilities instead?


For more ideas about how to improve your sales mindset, tune in to

The Smarter Sales Show

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