Monday afternoon I had a phone call with a client. She decided to stop all sales and marketing efforts until the Coronavirus situation changes because “nobody is going to buy what I sell.” 

For some people, with certain offers, that is the right thing to do.

Except, Cynthia Stadd is a Psychology Professional with expertise in healthy eating and relationships with food.  Anyone else craving sugary comfort foods and in close proximity to their kitchen while working from home all day?

We talked about what problems people have now that they didn’t have two weeks ago in terms of their relationship with food and potential comfort food cravings. 

  • People are not used to working from home and all the temptations in their kitchen
  • They are concerned about protecting their health so eating healthy is even more important
  • They are potentially more sedentary so afraid of gaining weight

And for some people, they are seeing this as a real opportunity to begin healthier habits. They have more time to take online programs. They are taking a moment to reset their food and movement choices. 

My coaching to Cynthia was to stop all sales and marketing efforts she had originally planned two weeks ago. Replace those messages with new ones specific to the concerns people have today that were not issues for them two weeks ago. 

Today, she posted this video on her social media channels. And she nailed it. 

Healthy Tips When Working From Home with Cynthia Stadd

I’m sharing this as an example for two reasons:

1. Even a successful marketer can gain value from an outside perspective. Had she not reached out to me, she may have missed an opportunity to provide value in her zone of genius. She feels good serving people in the way she can and her audience has responded by sharing her video with people she may not otherwise have met. If you are too close to what you do to see if from another perspective, talk to your current clients and ask them how the work you’ve done for them could help them or others in new or related ways. 

2. I hope this case study inspires you to take a new look at what you offer. If there is an appropriate offer you can extend to people to help them through this, then please know, you are not doing anyone any favors by keeping it a secret. 

If you can help me, I would want to know about it. 

Oh, and PS… Cynthia got rave reviews on her video and people have shared it with friends. As she continues to offer her video series, she’s confident sales will follow, because she made an appropriate offer that serves people exceptionally well right now.

On that note, here is how I can help you within my zone of genius.

I am offering free virtual conversations on the topic of Selling in Spite of Covid-19. You can register for them here:

I am opening up group and individual coaching programs without any long term contracts for business leaders and entrepreneurs who have to find new ways to keep the lights on and want tactical ideas now to stay in business. You can see options here:

I am also setting up a page on my website with free resources from reputable Merit-based partners to help you in a variety of ways. This will go live next week. Check my website for the new tab called FREE RESOURCES during COVID CRISIS.

In the meantime, if I can be of help so you can stay OPEN for BUSINESS, click this link to schedule a call: