It’s been longer than I care to admit since I first had the idea of a weekly video blog series so today I hit the reset button and just got started.

I don’t suppose you’ve ever waiting until everything was set up just right before you got into action? Yeah, me neither.

So today I re-decided the myth I bought into that I wasn’t ready to start and I just started.  The sound isn’t perfect. The video could be sharper & the lighting has some shadows. The end even got cut off. I didn’t even have the right software to edit out that moment when I’m walking to the camera! 

There’s nothing to buy, cause I haven’t built that landing page yet. There’s nothing to opt into because I haven’t set up the lead magnet system yet. There’s not even a website page… or a “stay tuned we’re building the page” page set up yet. Nope. There’s just this first video blog. 

And that’s okay because it’s something. It’s action supporting my new mindset that progress is the new perfection. 

Next week’s video will be better because of what I learned today. And the week after that will show even more progress because I will have had two at bats from which to learn. And so on and so on. 

Stick with me and watch the progress in real time as I unveil new business branding, new website, new online courses and share valuable lessons along the way to help you grow your Influence Mindset. Being more influential with others starts with understanding what has influence over us. 

What had influence over me was a self-limiting belief that everything had to be ready before I got anything out there. So I shifted my thinking about that myth to: there is value in sharing my journey so when I teach people what to do to grow their influence they can see that I did the very same things.