The first step to a closed deal is an open mind

In a world where attention spans are shrinking and competition is fierce, opening people’s minds to new possibilities is more challenging than ever.

Trusted By...

Every day, countless businesses struggle to differentiate themselves, connect with their target audience, cope with a rapidly changing marketplace and inspire loyalty and trust.

You are in the right place if...

  • You sell products or services that are custom, creative or complex
  • You lead a company or team and want to expand your influence
  • You are planning a conference event and want a professional speaker whose message is relevant, interactive and entertaining

Everyone else, go find a cute cat video.

Sure, it would be nice to be in one of those businesses where your customers can “click here, buy now” but that’s not the real world you live in.

You’ve got the best quality products and services in town and yet, your ideal prospects aren’t saying yes nearly enough... if they are even listening to your offers in the first place.

Is it your offers? Your team? You?

You’re curious, frustrated, overwhelmed and not even ChatGPT can pinpoint why or how to fix it.

Imagine A World Where...

The Open For Business Framework

Selling more and leading stronger is not rocket science (whew) when you follow our proven three-part Open for Business Framework... And when we work together, we will not let you fail. Period.



What you think forms the foundation of what you say and do.

There are thee components of a strong success mindset; Internal Mind, what you say to yourself; Behavioral Mind, what your actions say to others; and, Emotional Mind, how well you understand your own emotions and the impact they have on other people.

You’ll get under the hood and discover what beliefs serve and sabotage you and your team.



What you say as a business leader or sales professional and how you communicate your offers are essentially the tools of your trade. Your sales conversion rate and the loyalty of your team is based on your mastery of the mechanics of communication.

You’ll learn the most powerful things to say and questions to ask to move your prospect from disinterested to closed deal, whether you are selling your products, services or job opportunities.



What you do to reach your aggressive goals and the accountability structures you need to make them a reality.  

You’ll get tools and templates so you can be in consistent action toward results.You will build a plan that is in total alignment with your mindset and reality.

You will define your personal strategy to bounce back from setbacks so you are back in the game quickly.  

See It In Action

Don't Just Take My Word For It...

Ready to talk?

“Merit” literally means “worthy of praise.” So let’s make a deal, I’ll deliver a program that is worthy and you bask in the glory of the praise. Deal?

I’ve spent more than two decades working with professionals across a myriad of industries from Pharma to Pest Control. They sharpened their sales skills, fine tuned their action plans and, most importantly, shifted their mindset about what is possible for their lives, businesses and growth potential.

All it takes is one magic question that opens minds… and open minds close deals.

If you’re open to it, let’s talk about your event.